All About Frangipanis

We have loads of information about frangipanis, including their history, little known facts, how to grow and propagate frangipanis, frangipani pests and diseases, and even frangipani recipes!

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frangipani facts

About frangipanis

All about frangipanis - the plants and their varieties, history, myths and legends, and little known frangipani facts. And learn how the frangipani and plumeria got their names.

growing frangipanis

Growing frangipanis

Learn all about frangipani care including best soil types and position, how to fertilise, and how best to prune frangipanis to get the results you want.

propagating frangipanis

Propagating frangipanis

How to propagate frangipanis both from seeds and from cuttings.

frangipani pests and diseases

Frangipani pests and diseases

Although frangipanis are fairly hardy, there are some pests and diseases which can affect them.

frangipani species

What frangipani is that?

Have you spotted a gorgeous frangipani in someone's yard and wondered what type it is? Well wonder no more with this layman's guide to identifying frangipani species.

frangipani recipes

Frangipani recipes

We've found some amazing frangipani recipes - oil, lotions and food!

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